
What’s Happening This Weekend!

Here is what is Open this Weekend, support local Restaurants and Shops




Deadline for orders is TONIGHT at 6 pm. The Orangeville Farmers’ Market pickup will set up in the Tony Rose Parking Lot from 9-10 on Saturday, (look for the MARKET flags). Please contact vendors individually for orders and payments. Visit https://downtownorangeville.ca/orangeville-farmers-market/ for full details.


Orangeville’s outdoor ice rinks are open for public use, participation restrictions are in effect during this time. 

Rink capacities are as follows: Alder outdoor rink – 5 

Kin Family Park outdoor rink – 5 

Tony Rose outdoor rink – 10 

Princess of Wales outdoor rink – 15 

Idyllwilde Park rink – 20 

Lions Sports Park rink – 25


Support our local restaurants this Valentine’s weekend and enjoy real food at reasonable prices. Here is  list of restaurants in Downtown Orangeville who are open for take out and delivery. Visit https://downtownorangeville.ca/covid-19-open-for-business/


Teen Ranch is pleased to offer winter outdoor adventures for you and your family to enjoy this winter! Lockdown-friendly activities provide a chance to get your family outdoors, play together, explore the beautiful Teen Ranch landscape and get in that much-needed outdoor fitness and mental health break.  https://mailchi.mp/teenranch.com/winteractivityadventure 


Trail Rides – Ages 10+ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Horseback riding through the beautiful Headwaters region in Caledon. Maximum 10 people including staff for keeping with government restrictions. One-hour in length. Walk/trot (if comfortable). https://teenranch.com/programs/horses/trail-rides/


DeJa Vu Diner is offering boxed meats, frozen vegetables, breads, baked goods and home made soups. 318 Broadway Avenue Orangeville  (519) 941-9652 http://dejavudiner.ca  


Curry Mantra is offering Free Meals to those in need. Please contact them at (647) 505-6213 for more details.