What’s Happening
Here is what is Open this Weekend, support local Restaurants and Shops
Trails & Hiking From beginner to expert, explore Island Lake this weekend! Physical distancing rules are in place at the parks to keep everyone safe. Seven days a week – 8am to 6pm.
Elliott Tree Farm – 2021 maple syrup harvest. Experience the sugar bush first hand on Saturdays and Sunday’s March 13 through April 4. Two time slots available: 9:30 am – 12 pm or 1 to 3:30 pm. Adults (13 and up) : $27.50 Youth (6-12) : $17.50 5 and under: Free Winter weekend campfire program is continuing this weekend as well. Relax and enjoy our farm trails with your own private picnic table and campfire. Bring your cooler and prepare lunch over the open coals. Visit www.elliotttreefarm.ca to learn more about our day programs and purchase your tickets.
Don’t miss the next indoor market on March 20th! The indoor winter farmers’ market will be held at Tony Rose “B” Rink, 6 Northmen Way from 9am-1pm. Stock up on fresh & local produce, meats, cheese and handmade goods. Visit http://orangevillefarmersmarket.ca/ to learn more.
Shops are open and ready to welcome you but did you know that many are still offering curbside pick up? Shop online or call shops directly to access everything from books to clothing, one-of-a-kind gifts, plants and flowers, art supplies and more! Visit our website to learn which Downtown Businesses are offering curbside & pickup: https://downtownorangeville.ca/curbside-pickup/
Support our local restaurants this weekend and enjoy real food at reasonable prices. Here is list of restaurants in Downtown Orangeville who are open for take out and delivery. Visit https://downtownorangeville.ca/covid-19-open-for-business/
Teen Ranch is pleased to offer winter outdoor adventures and Trail rides for you and your family to enjoy this winter! Lockdown-friendly activities provide a chance to get your family outdoors, play together, explore the beautiful Teen Ranch landscape and get in that much-needed outdoor fitness and mental health break. https://mailchi.mp/teenranch.com/winteractivityadventure https://teenranch.com/programs/horses/trail-rides/
DeJa Vu Diner is offering boxed meats, frozen vegetables, breads, baked goods and home made soups. 318 Broadway Avenue Orangeville (519) 941-9652 http://dejavudiner.ca
Curry Mantra is offering Free Meals to those in need. Please contact them at (647) 505-6213 for more details.