
Orangeville Live Music

Your Source For Local Music And Events

What’s Happening This Weekend

Here is what happening in and around Orangeville, support local Restaurants and Shops. LOCAL EVENTS The Orangeville Farmers’ Market returns this Saturday from 8am-1pm – rain or shine! 160th Caledon Fair Caledon Fairgrounds. Featuring truck and tractor pull, demo derby, Agricultural Awareness Tent, hall exhibits, entertainment and more! Dufferin County Multicultural Event Museum of Dufferin. […]

What’s Happening This Weekend

Here is what happening in and around Orangeville, support local Restaurants and Shops. LOCAL EVENTS Shop and Eat Local this weekend. Patios are open downtown and locally. 🎷The Orangeville Blues & Jazz Festival June 3rd-5th- See all event and show times at https://orangevillebluesandjazz.ca/calendar/ 🎷Blues Cruise – Friday, Broadway Jun 3 5:00pm – 9:00pm 🎷Downtown Ramble […]

What’s Happening This Weekend

Here is what happening in and around Orangeville, support local Restaurants and Shops. LOCAL EVENTS Shop and Eat Local this long weekend. Patios are open downtown and locally. The Orangeville Farmers’ Market returns this Saturday from 8am-1pm – rain or shine! The outdoor Orangeville Farmers’ Market is back to its’ original home on Second Street […]