
Orangeville Live Music

Your Source For Local Music And Events

What’s Happening This Weekend

Here is what happening in and around Orangeville, support local Restaurants and Shops. LOCAL EVENTS Whether you choose in-store shopping, curbside pickup, ot takeout, thank you for shopping local! Orangeville Winter Farmers’ Market February 5 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Orangeville Town Hall, 87 Broadway. Come and see the variety of fresh, local goods. Winter […]

What’s Happening This Weekend

Here is what happening in and around Orangeville, support local Restaurants and Shops.   LOCAL EVENTS   Whether you choose in-store shopping, curbside pickup, ot takeout, thank you for shopping local!   Winter Fun @ Sweet Pea’s Farm -Tickets At Farm Only – Cash Only. January 22nd To February 27, Saturday And Sundays Only – […]

What’s Happening This Weekend

Here is what happening in and around Orangeville, support local Restaurants and Shops. LOCAL EVENTS Elliott Tree Farm will be open 11-4PM daily for winter farm experiences! Make a day of it and book a farm day campfire site,  also offering  entrance/selfie passes! Visit www.elliotttreefarm.ca to learn more about day programs and purchase your tickets. […]