
Orangeville Live Music

Your Source For Local Music And Events

What’s Happening This Weekend

Here is what is happening in and around Orangeville, support local Restaurants and Shops. COMMUNITY EVENTS Alexander Keith’s Lobster Fest, This Saturday October 2nd. Live Music and Dinner for $40  Live Celtic Music with Erin’s Marlore, Lots of giveaways. The Hatter Pub 101 First St, Orangeville FOR TICKETS CALL 519-938-9998 The Kitchen at Mono Mills […]

What’s Happening This Weekend

Here is what is happening in and around Orangeville, support local Restaurants and Shops. COMMUNITY EVENTS The 3rd Annual Toys for Terry Ride! Sunday September 19th from 11am – 2:30pm 40 Broadway Ave, Orangeville. The outdoor Orangeville Farmers’ Market returns Saturday, September 18th from 8AM to 1PM for fresh and local on-site shopping! The Market […]